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behavioral counseling


Does your pet have bad habits? We offer behavioral counseling as well as Puppy Kindergarten and Adult Behavior Classes. Your puppy can start Kindergarten as early as 8 weeks of age. You and your puppy will have an enjoyable experience as we help you:

  • Understand your puppy's natural behavior

  • Teach your puppy in basic commands

  • Build puppy confidence

  • Teach all members of the family to be "pack leaders"

  • Provide supervised opportunities for puppies to socialize and learn how to interact with other animals

  • Provide exposure to new experiences, new people and new places

  • Learn how to desensitize your puppy to being examined and groomed. This will make these experiences much more relaxing and enjoyable in the future!!!



Not sure if Obedience School is Right for You?

Ask Your Dog to Read the Following Letter:

If you can read this letter, you must be becoming quite grown up. You have probably noticed that your Mom and Dad have more rules for you now than when you were just a little pup. Sometimes, Mom and Dad may even seem to be unsure of how to explain the new rules to you. You can help them better express what is expected of you by bringing them to training class.

In our seven weekly training classes your parents will learn the proper way to have you sit, stay, heel, and come on command. You may think your parents may not be up to the challenge, but just as you sometimes surprise them with how quickly you learn . . . they may be quicker than you think. Don't forget to let them know that your older doggie brothers and sisters can go through training as well. Your parents might need extra help to teach an older dog new tricks! Even if you are already well behaved our class is a great way for you and your parents to spend time together and strengthen your friendship!

If Mom or Dad appears hesitant or reluctant to join the class, promise you will work them through every step of the way. You will come to the classes as their escort and keep them in practice with daily bonding sessions. At the end of the sessions they will probably say to friends how well they have you trained, but we know you really did the work!

We will promise to be gentle but firm in training your parents. If they have any questions have them call our office. If you already have them convinced they need training, then have Mom or Dad call to find out when the next class starts and get signed up for it. You may have to remind them; after all they are only human!

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